A Guide to Safe and Responsible Wireless Phone Use
Tens of millions of people in the U.S. today take advantage of the unique combination of
convenience, safety and value delivered by the wireless telephone. Quite simply, the wireless
phone gives people the powerful ability to communicate by voice--almost anywhere, anytime--
with the boss, with a client, with the kids, with emergency personnel or even with the police.
Each year, Americans make billions of calls from their wireless phones, and the numbers are
rapidly growing.
But an important responsibility accompanies those benefits, one that every wireless phone user
must uphold. When driving a car, driving is your first responsibility. A wireless phone can be an
invaluable tool, but good judgment must be exercised at all times while driving a motor vehicle-
-whether on the phone or not.
The basic lessons are ones we all learned as teenagers. Driving requires alertness, caution and
courtesy. It requires a heavy dose of basic common sense---keep your head up, keep your eyes on
the road, check your mirrors frequently and watch out for other drivers. It requires obeying all
traffic signs and signals and staying within the speed limit. It means using seatbelts and requiring
other passengers to do the same.
But with wireless phone use, driving safely means a little more. This brochure is a call to wireless
phone users everywhere to make safety their first priority when behind the wheel of a car.
Wireless telecommunications is keeping us in touch, simplifying our lives, protecting us in
emergencies and providing opportunities to help others in need.
When it comes to the use of wireless phones, safety is your most important call.
Wireless Phone "Safety Tips"
Below are safety tips to follow while driving and using a wireless phone which should be easy
to remember.